Our privacy statement is borne out of our policy to respect user’s personal information and ensure same isprotected. Hence, our transparency about our data collection. We ensure protection of data collected byuse of very adequate data security safeguards.
What data do we collect?1)
Personal data
Our product requires some personal data (the “Mandatory Data”) that cannot be dispensed with, for thepurpose of the services rendered through our data enabled model. If you choose not to provide thesepersonal data, we would be unable to provide the services.
However, there are certain data (the “Optional Data”) that may be improve the quality of our services, ifprovided, however the services can be provided if you decline to provide these data when requested, thesedata are optional and declining to provide them will not deny you access to our product.
The Mandatory Data are First Name, Last Name, Phone Number.
Optional Data are Gender, Photo, Address/Zipcode, Country of residence, Email address, Website,Facebook page, Twitter address, Status Message
Other data
TrueID also collects the following data from your usage of the service:
Geo-location; your IP address; device ID or unique identifier; device manufacturer and type; device andhardware settings; SIM card usage; applications installed on your device; ID for advertising; ad data,operating system; web browser; operator IMSI; network data, connection information; screen resolution;usage statistics; default communication applications; access to device address book; device log and eventinformation; logs, keywords and meta data of incoming and outgoing calls and messages; version of theservices you use and other information.
How do we collect your data?
TrueID collects data from you, through your interactions with our services. Your interaction with ourservices such as how the services are accessed (via the network provider, software application, web siteor a search engine); the pages you visit and features you use on the services; the services and websitesyou engage with from the services; content viewed by you, content you have commented on or sent to usand information about the ads you see and/or engage with; the search terms you use; other informationand other usage activity and data logged by our servers from time to time. We may collect some of thisinformation automatically through use of cookies.
How do we Use your data?
TrueID uses your data to improve and develop our products such as upgrading, updating and providingsupport. It also includes sharing data, when it is required to provide the services or carry out thetransactions you request.Data can also be shared with your consent to third party such as networkprovider (for users who subscribe to the data free model) or an Advertising Partner (only statistical data isshared with our advertising partner).
How do we store your data?
TrueID stores your data for as long as you are active on the service and the application is installed on yourdevice.
How do we use cookies?
Cookies are a text file that an application stores on a user’s device for authentication, storing standardinternet information/preferences, other browsing information. The TRUEID app uses cookies or similartechnology to collect information from you automatically.Our cookies help in improving your experience by keeping you signed in and understanding how you usethe application. You can control access of cookies via the app or browser settings.You can request that your data be taken off TrueID by uninstalling or opting out of the service andsending an email to [email protected] .